Tag Archives: Driving Tips

Things Drivers Should Never Do

While all drivers understand that they should never get on the road while intoxicated, that’s only scratching the surface of the many dangerous things that drivers can stubbornly or even unwittingly do, causing danger to themselves and others. In this blog post, the towing service experts here at Chicago Towing will detail the four things that drivers should NEVER do.

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Difference Between 2, 4 and all wheel drive

The way that cars add power to it’s wheels, defined as its Drivetrain, makes a major difference when you are driving on rough terrain or in crazy weather conditions. Here, the experts at Chicago Towing will provide some details about the basic differences between the drivetrains of 2, 4, and all wheel drives.

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Essential teen driver tips

Are you raising a teenage driver? If you are, it’s necessary to provide them with as much safety knowledge as you can to ensure that they are schooled on how to be a safe driver. Here’s some expert tips prepared by the driving gurus at Chicago Towing in order to keep your teen drivers safe and educated.

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How Aquaplaning Effects Driving

Aquaplaning is a phenomenon of physics associated with wet and slippery roads that can severely impact the way cars drive during the wet months of Winter. As ice melts, the roads get wet, and it’s essential to understand how aquaplaning can make driving dangerous. This is why we, the driving safety experts at Chicago Towing, wrote the following article to provide you with some detailed information on driving in an environment where aquaplaning is likely.

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