Category Archives: Chicago Towing

Best Towing Company in Chicago

Road Trip Safety Tips

Road trips are some of the best possible ways to spend the warm months of Spring and Summer. However, like all driving / road traveling activities, road trips require a bit of advance safety planning in order to be executed safely. In this blog entry, the towing experts here at Chicago Towing will detail some basic safety tips for road trips.

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Diagnosing different exhaust colors

Strange exhaust coming out of your vehicle is an alarming matter – and drivers usually panic about sudden accidents when they see this. However, it’s important for drivers to be educated and understand that different exhaust colors may mean different things; in this blog entry, the roadside assistance experts here at Chicago Towing will detail what different colors signal about the condition of your car.

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Difference Between 2, 4 and all wheel drive

The way that cars add power to it’s wheels, defined as its Drivetrain, makes a major difference when you are driving on rough terrain or in crazy weather conditions. Here, the experts at Chicago Towing will provide some details about the basic differences between the drivetrains of 2, 4, and all wheel drives.

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Essential teen driver tips

Are you raising a teenage driver? If you are, it’s necessary to provide them with as much safety knowledge as you can to ensure that they are schooled on how to be a safe driver. Here’s some expert tips prepared by the driving gurus at Chicago Towing in order to keep your teen drivers safe and educated.

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